Dora Ann Gostecnik `00
- ALEC Advisory Board Member
Professional Summary
Ms. Gostecnik `00 (Agricultural Journalism) received a Bachelor of Science degree Summa Cum Laude in Agricultural Journalism in December 1999 from Texas A&M University, and a Juris Doctorate from South Texas College of Law in May 2003. A true “farmer’s daughter,” she lives on the Brazos River in Waller County, Texas on land that has been continually farmed and ranched by her family for more than a century. When asked her profession, she always responds, “I’m a rancher,” unless it is for a jury duty summons. Dora Ann also manages The Gostecnik Law Firm, P.C. in Pattison, Texas, where she serves as a transactional real estate and probate attorney. Dora Ann also maintains a membership in The Association of Former Students, the 12th Man Foundation, the Brookshire-Pattison Lions Club and the Waller County A&M Club.