The department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications is proud to offer resources for programs outside of Texas A&M. If you have a resource need that is not listed please feel free to email us ( and request that resource.
FFA Resources
These materials are available for a single download to support the Texas FFA Association’s LDE and CDE competitions and selected 4-H events. Please be patient with us as we transition ownership of our IMS inventory to the Texas FFA Association and the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas.
We encourage you to share this website with your students and for your students to consider attending Texas A&M University upon graduation from high school or community college. Links to our three undergraduate majors are on this site’s header (see Degrees and Programs). We encourage teachers and agents to consider our on-campus and online Graduate Programs.
FFA Parliamentary Procedure Guide
Parliamentary procedure is based upon democratic principles. To learn about parliamentary law is to learn about democracy. In our public schools in our society, there is an ever-increasing need to understand and appreciate our democracy. This book has been designed to facilitate the learning and teaching of parliamentary procedure, thereby providing for the further development of good citizens. Click the link below to download the guide.
Gray, Jarrell (2016). Parliamentary guide for FFA (4thEd.). Printed copies are available and may be ordered at the following link: Order Now
Single Downloads: Parliamentary Guide for FFA
Wildlife and Recreation Management Study Guide
This 4th edition of the Texas Wildlife and Recreation CDE Study Guide incorporates revisions approved by the Texas FFA Career Development Events committee in July 2021. Revisions were made in plant listings and descriptions, and content was reviewed by subject matter experts and WAY Committee members. (187 pp.)
Single Downloads: Wildlife and Recreation Management Study Guide
Poultry Science Manual and Related Materials for Career Development Events, 7th edition
Poultry Science Manual for Career Development Events, 7th edition
This manual aids in teaching beginners and experienced individuals how to properly evaluate live birds, ready-to-cook poultry, shell eggs, and processed poultry. It also includes information related to poultry production, management, and science and cooperating with others in solving poultry industry problems. This Manual is available for purchase through the Texas AgriLife Bookstore. Poultry Science Manual for Career Developments, 7th edition | Publications | AgriLife Learn (
The following seven items supplement and/or are frequently requested by teachers using the Poultry Science Manual for Career Development Events, 7th edition and are now available for free download (below):
- Hatchery Management Guide by Cobb (
- Management Guidelines: Raising Commercial Turkeys by Aviagen Turkeys
- Broiler Management Guide by Cobb (
- Processing Poultry Products from Poultry Science Manual for Career Development Events, 6th edition
- Marketing Poultry Products from Poultry Science Manual for Career Development Events, 6th edition
- Identifying Chicken Carcass Parts
- Keys to Managing Poultry Litter